Privacy policy

This policy defines DIGGLERZ Factory obligations and resolutions in the safe processing of your personal data, in compliance with relevant regulation especially Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, synthetically called General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter GDPR).

Field of application

This policy applies to all personal data processing linked to and implemented by DIGGLERZ Factory

DIGGLERZ Factory’s responsibility

DIGGLERZ Factory, located 5 RUE DE CASTIGLIONE 75001 PARIS is a data Controller as defined by the GDPR, for personal data collection and processing performed on the website (hereafter call “the website”).

The website respects your privacy during the collection and processing of your personal data in compliance with European and local regulations.

Information requests or requests to exercise your rights shall be sent to our data protection officer at the following e-mail address: contact (at) digglerz-factory (dot) fr

Your personal data processing

During the visit of our website, we may collect some of your personal data :

· Your identity (name, first name, phone number, e-mail address) if you communicate it voluntarily

DIGGLERZ Factory may collect and process your data in the following cases :

· When you contact us directly to request information on our products and services for which you have an interne or for any other question;

· When you become a client and use our products

lawful bases for our processing

We don’t process your personal data unless a legal provision allows us to do so. We process your data particularly based on GDPR art. 6 and 9 as well as on your consent gathered in compliance with GDPR art. 7. Processing of your data is based on following lawful bases:

| Purpose | Lawful basis |

| ———————————————————— | —————————————- |

| Take your commercial information requests into account | Precontractual agreement |

| Compliance with our legal obligations | Legal obligation |

| Exercise and defend our rights, especially regarding intellectual property | Legal obligation and legitimate interest |

Data which shall be supplied in a contractual or precontractual context enable us to create a legally valid contract with you. Not providing these may put us at risk of being unable to validly contract with you.

Security measures

We deploy security measures to protect and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. Nevertheless, an inherent risk exists in the transmission of data trough internet, particularly risk of intrusion.

We, our subcontractors, and commercial partners work together to ensure the physical and electronical security of your data. We use, among others, following measures: data encryption, connection securing, access restriction, firewalls, anti-virus.

All your data are stored on secured servers. These servers may be ours or our subcontractors or commercial partners property. They are used in compliance with our policies and security norms.

Data storage

We store your data as long as necessary for the purpose on which we gathered them. Access to your data is restricted to employees having proper authorizations and a need to access these data on a specific purpose.

| Purpose | Storage limitation |

| ———————————————————— | ———————————————————— |

| Taking your commercial requests in account | 2 years after last contact |

| Compliance with our legal obligation, exercise and defend our rights, especially regarding intellectual property | Legal procedure duration or extinction of our legal obligation |

Your data might be stored for a longer period, especially to comply with a legal obligation or exercise our rights. In such case, we don’t store our data longer than applicable legal prescription, in particular regarding prescription period and extinction of judiciary action.

Data transfer

We formally forbid us to cease, transfer or communicate your data to third parties excepting:

DIGGLERZ Factory doesn’t proceed to any data transfer outside European Union. If any of these third parties are located outside European Economical Area, we will ensure that they accept to apply the same level of protection as the one requested in Europe. If data shall be transferred outside EU, we will ensure that all relevant guarantees are implemented to protect them.

Automated decision

DIGGLERZ Factory doesn’t proceed to any automated processing of your personal data, including profiling.

Your rights on your personal data

As a natural person concerned by the processing of your personal data, you have the following rights:

These rights may be exercised by sending a requestion to our data protection officer, either by e-mail:

contact (at) digglerz-factory (dot) fr

Or by post at the following address:


We strive to answer all your requests within 30 days. This period may be extended, if necessary, due to the specific right you exercise or the complexity of your request.

Before agreeing to your request, in case of reasonable doubt about your identity, it will be possible to require a proof of your identity.

If we couldn’t respond favorably to your request, we will inform you of the reason of its rejection.

Supervisory authority

If you consider that we didn’t answer properly to your request, you may contact the controlling authority of your country.